Get involved, make a difference! There are many ways to help…
1. Donate Much Needed Funds
We are a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Donate what you can or join our donor list at preset level. Remember every bit helps!
- Visionaries: $5,000
- Partners: $2,500
- Sponsors: $1,000
- Friends: $500
- Believers: $100
You can make your contribution via:
- Check: please make out to Zubin’s Wish and send to PO BOX 221001, Seattle, WA, 98122-1001
- Credit Card: click the Donate button and enter your information
2. Ride, Run or Walk for Zubin’s Wish!
Use the next event you participate in as a chance to have others sponsor you. Contact us at for official letters to send out and an official packet to distribute to family and friends.
3. Host a fundraising party for Zubin’s Wish at your home or local venue.
Contact us at for an informational packet.